Junkyard Wisdom: Belize
November 2021
All plans are tentative, but here’s what is planned thus far:
Day One: Arrive at the Belize International Airport. Introductions to everyone else on the trip, then load into a van and head to Jaguar Creek. Get settled, dinner, and enjoy cigars and drinks under the stars as Roy shares his, um, unique take on Belizean history.
Day Two: Morning hike on the loop trail, breakfast and “why are we here” conversation, then off to any number of different activities. It could be cave tubing, or a zip line over the rainforest, or exploring a Mayan ruin. Throughout it all will be conversations about wealth, poverty, generosity, responsibility, and spirituality. Then we return to Jaguar Creek for dinner and drinks as we consider a bigger question about how we might define wealth.
Day Three: Early morning bird watching around the Jaguar Creek property, with a few thoughts about how justice is a form of wealth. After breakfast we might explore deep into an ancient Mayan cave, or swim in the Blue Hole, or relax by a pool with a cool drink. As with Day Two, throughout it all we will have conversations and share ideas about wealth, poverty, and justice in our spiritual journey.
Day Four: Our getaway day when you might head home or continue your Belize experience on your own. Before we get to the airport we hope to visit the famous Belize Zoo for an “only in Belize” experience with the jaguars!